Emulsions and their types


An emulsion is a system of two immiscible liquids which is thermodynamically unstable, in which one phase of liquid is dispersed as a globule in the other.

In an emulsion, there are two phases.

  • Continuous Phase

It is the outer and continuous phase of the emulsion.

  • Dispersed Phase

This phase is dispersed in the form of globules in a continuous medium.

Emulsions and their types
                                      Types of Emulsions

There are four types of emulsions.

  1. Oil in water emulsion
  2. Water in animals in
  3. Multiple emission
  4. Microemulsions

Oil in Water Emulsions

In this type of emulsion droplets of oil are dispersed in water or an aqueous phase.

The emulsion in which the internal phase is oily and the external phase is aqueous.

majority of the orally administered emulsions are oil-in-water emulsions.

e.g Milk is a natural oil in water emulsion, Emulsified creams and lotions are oil in water or water in oil emulsion depending on their use.

Water in Oil Emulsions

That type of emulsion in which the aqueous phase is dispersed in the form of droplets throughout the oily phase.

In these emulsions, the outer phase is oily and the internal phase is aqueous. Water droplets are surrounded by the emulsifying agent.

E.g Soloid creams and butter are water in oil type of emulsions.


Emulsions in which water in oil or oil in water emulsions are further dispersed in another phase that may be liquid or aqueous in the form of droplets.

Multipalemulsions are further divided into two types

  • O/W/O
  • W/O/W


This type of emulsion is oil in water in oil emulsion. In which globules of oil in water emulsion are dispersed in the outer oily phase.


This type of emulsion is the water in oil in water emulsion. In which globules of water in oil emulsions are dispersed in the aqueous phase.

Multipalemulsions are developed to delay the release of the constituents of the drug.

Micro Emulsions

Microemulsions are the clear dispersion of the oil in water or water in oil.
Why microemulsions are clear emulsions?
Because the diameter of the dispersed droplets is less than 0.1 micrometre. Other emulsions have diameters greater than the 0.1-micrometre range is 0.1 to 100 micrometres. 
Microemulsions are prepared with the help of the emulsifying agent. Which gives a negative interfacial tension.


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