What is noun? Types of noun


The name of place, thing and person is called noun.
for pronoun
London, Car, Asad.

In the above three examples, London is the name of the place. Car is the name of the thing. Asad is the name of the person.

Types of Noun

There are the following types of nouns which we will discuss in this article with explanations and examples.

Proper noun.

A proper noun is the name of any particular person place or thing.


  1. God
  2. The Holy Quran 
  3. Mohammed Ali Jinnah
  4. Lahore

Common noun

A common noun is a name given in common to every one place or thing of the same class or kind.


  1. Man
  2. City 
  3. Book
In these examples, there is any man, city and book you can consider.
If the common noun begins with the capital letter then at the very beginning of the sentence line of poetry.


  1. Cow gives milk
  2. Water water everywhere 
  3. And not a drop to drink
  4. Birds fly in the air.

Collective Noun

A collective noun is a group of persons or things, spoken of as one whole.


  1. Flock
  2. Team
  3. Army
In these examples army is for a group of soldiers, a team is a group of players, and a flock is a group of sheep.
The collective noun will begin with a capital letter when it comes first in the sentence.

Abstract noun

This type of noun denotes a quality, idea or any other thing rather than a tangible thing.


  1. Today he is happy with his achievements.
  2. She is a trustworthy lady.
  3. They face dangerous situations in the forest.
In the above examples happy, Truth and danger are abstract nouns.

Concrete Noun

This type of noun denotes actual things rather than abstract things.


Tree, Building, car, chair, watch iron, water and many other things. 

Countable Noun

A countable noun is a noun we can easily count in our daily life.


A car, An apple, bananas etc

Uncountable Noun

A noun which we can not count in our daily life routine.


Sand, Rice, House flyes, Milk, Water, Air and Honey.
 If you are looking for other parts of speech you can them ee on this blog.

Frequently Asked Questions on Nouns

What about the different functions of nouns?

Within the slight change in spelling, nouns can be used as an adjective and verbs. In addition to suffixes, we can use the noun for different purposes. For example, we can use the noun money as the adjective monetary after the change in the spelling.


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